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Olin & Uris Libraries

Olin: Open until 6pm
Uris: Open until 5pm

Public Computing and Technology

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Public Computing

Public desktop computers are available on Olin Library’s first floor, just past the circulation desk in the main study area. 

Uris Library has desktop computing available in the Cocktail Lounge. The computers are located near the stairs that lead to the original Uris Library building.

All public workstations in Olin and Uris libraries are PCs. All public computers offer standard desktop software, including:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Creative Cloud (no public license, requires personal account or a Cornell-issued Named User License)
  • Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge
For more information on using Cornell University Library computers, please refer to the Library’s Public Computing policy.


Printing in Olin and Uris library is limited to those with an active CU print account. At this time CU print accounts are only provided for current undergraduate and graduate students.

Both libraries are equipped with several networked CU Print printers, including color printers and multi-function printers with scanning capabilities.

Most of the CU printers are the first floor of Olin library and in the Uris Tower Room. CIT maintains a complete list of CU printer locations.

There is no guest printing available.


Olin and Uris Libraries offer a variety of equipment for your self-service scanning needs. In addition to dedicated scanning stations on the first floor, our public multi-function printers can also scan documents and send them to your email as an attachment. Scanning is provided free of charge; if you wish to print you must have a CU Print account.

Olin library main floor:

  • Two multi-function printers are available for printing and copying if you have a CU Print account. Use the Guest button on touch screen to get started if you do not have a CU Print account.
  • Additional scanners are located along the east wall, near Olin 107 Reading Room, and scanning up to 11” x 17” is available to all.

Uris Tower Room:

  • Pickup in Uris Library is located in the Uris Tower Library Entrance. This entrance can be accessed using the entrance to the clock tower on the East side of the building and is limited to current faculty, staff, and students with a Cornell ID card. A multi-function printer is available for printing and copying if you have a CU Print account.  
  • Scanning up to 11″ x 17″ available to all – use Guest button on touch screen to get started if you do not have a CU Print account.

Micrographic Equipment

Patrons can order micrographic materials usually housed in the Library Annex to be delivered to Olin Library for viewing.

The micrographic equipment is located in Room B12 on the lower level of Olin Library. The machine in Olin only supports microfilm and microfiche formats. Patrons who need machines with microcard reading capabilities should use the machine at Mann Library. Users have the options of scanning/saving or printing the documents they are viewing.

ST ViewScan photo

ST ViewScan

One machine available. This machines offers an intuitive Windows desktop application look and the convenience of viewing enhanced digital live images on a PC screen before scan, capture, and output. It combines industry-standard motorized roll film carriers with a small camera design and new technology.


Wireless access is available throughout Olin and Uris libraries through one of Cornell’s three Wi-Fi options. If you have already registered your wireless device, then no additional steps are necessary to connect to the wireless network.

If you are a visitor to Cornell and do not have a NetID, please refer to the Cornell IT Wi-Fi for Visitors page to register your wireless device.

If you have trouble with wireless access in the library, please speak with the Reference staff for immediate assistance.