Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Olin & Uris Libraries

Olin: Open until 9pm
Uris: Open until 5pm

Library Instruction

To help students and faculty take advantage of the rich research collections available through the Library, the Olin & Uris Research & Learning Services department offers a variety of programs. We offer sessions for course-related library instruction for First Year Writing through graduate-level courses, workshops, library tours, and orientation sessions.

These programs, guest lectures, workshops, and instructional sessions are guided by the Olin & Uris Research & Learning Services Learning Outcomes:

    • Students will be able to identify and compare different information resource types, and their uses in a variety of research contexts.
    • Students will develop a process for recognizing misinformation and irrelevant resources as they relate to their particular research interests and contexts.
    • Students will be able to describe the information pipeline and analyze how it is affected by external systems and networks.
    • Students will gain a broad understanding of the scholarly landscape including what peer review is, different kinds of publications, and an introduction to copyright.
    • Students will be able to use and create citations as well as comprehend how citations relate to topics such as knowledge justice, information scarcity, and scholarly impact.
    • Students will describe how different systems describe, organize, and disseminate information and apply this knowledge to finding and selecting their sources.
    • Students will discuss and provide critical analysis about how digital platforms, tools, resources, infrastructure, and practices influence information access and usage.

Request an Instruction Session

Submit an instruction request form and one of our librarians will connect with you to schedule a session. For specific questions, you may email