Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Olin & Uris Libraries

Olin: Open until Midnight
Uris: Closed

Visitor Information

Any person may visit Olin & Uris libraries and use materials, databases and resources while on site.

Visitors and alumni who wish to borrow materials should contact the Library Public Services Office (116 Olin Library, (607) 255-5069, for details about borrowing eligibility and fees.

Olin and Uris Libraries are located on Cornell’s central campus in Ithaca, at the southern end of the Arts Quad. McGraw Tower, which is attached to Uris Library, is a visible campus landmark. Campus maps are available online. Parking spaces are limited, although Cornell’s transportation office provides detailed maps that display available spaces.

Olin and Uris Library are wheelchair accessible. If you need wheelchair access to Uris Library, please enter via the Clock Tower. If you do not have a Cornell ID, call either the Uris Tower Room desk (607) 255-3537 or the Olin circulation desk (607) 255-4245 for assistance.

Further information

Visitor Wi-Fi at Olin & Uris Libraries

Wireless access is available throughout Olin and Uris libraries via Cornell-Visitor Wi-Fi, RedRover, or eduroam. If you have already registered your wireless device, then no additional steps are necessary to connect to the wireless network.

If you are a visitor to Cornell and do not have a NetID, please visit the Cornell IT Wi-Fi for Visitors page to register your wireless device.

If you have trouble with wireless access in the library, please speak with the Reference staff for immediate assistance.

Scanning & Photocopying at Olin & Uris Libraries

Scanners and photocopiers are also available for use by the general public at Olin and Uris libraries. For more information, see the Scanners & Photocopiers page.