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Olin & Uris Libraries

Olin: Open until Midnight
Uris: Closed

Reservable & Open Study Spaces

Olin & Uris Libraries offer reservable group study rooms as well as 24/7 group study rooms.  Click on the buttons above to make your reservation, or see below for spaces where no reservation is needed.

Spaces Overview

Olin & Uris Libraries are home to large and small study rooms, intended for for both quiet and group study, with wi-fi access throughout both buildings.

Olin is home to the Amit Bhatia Libe Café, a current  periodical reading room, a graduate reading suite, and numerous study rooms and carrels which can be found throughout the building.

In Uris, the historic and beautiful A.D. White Library offers comfortable seating in a 19th-century interior. Other spaces in Uris include classrooms available for teaching and the very popular “Cocktail Lounge” study space with panoramic views of Libe Slope, available for quiet and group study 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (a current Cornell ID card is needed for access after building hours).

Open Quiet Study Spaces in Olin & Uris (no reservation required)

Areas where conversation should be kept brief and at low volume

  • Olin Main floor Reference area – computers and study tables with Ethernet connections
  • Olin Current Periodicals and Newspapers Reading Room
  • Additional study tables and seating areas on basement level of Olin
  • Olin 3rd floor reading rooms: 301, 305
  • Olin 4th floor reading rooms: 401, 405
  • Olin 6th floor reading rooms: 601
  • Uris A.D. White Library (upstairs from the main entrance)
  • Uris Dean Room (main floor near circulation)
  • Uris Willis Reading Room (main floor off the Dean Room)
  • Uris Stacks Tower (off the main floor Dean Room or Gallery Level)
  • Uris Class of 1957 Kinkeldey Room (3rd floor of the stacks tower, or enter via the A.D. White Library)

Open Group Study Spaces in Olin & Uris (no reservation required)

Areas where group discussion at a reasonable volume is acceptable

  • Olin 1st floor Amit Bhatia Libe Café
  • Uris Tower Lounge (3rd floor of the stacks tower, includes vending machines)
  • Uris CL3 Lab
  • Uris Austen Room (downstairs from the main entrance, between the Gallery Level and the Cocktail Lounge)
  • Uris Cocktail Lounge (24/7 keycard access study space, includes three reservable group study rooms for groups of 2-6, as well as vending machines)
See also: