Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Olin & Uris Libraries

Olin: Open until Midnight
Uris: Closed

Laptops and Equipment

Olin Library offers a variety of laptops, chargers and accessories, and specialized equipment (audio recorders, cameras, projectors, etc.) for borrowing. Only those with a valid Cornell ID may check out equipment.

Laptop and Equipment Policies:

  • All Olin equipment must be renewed in person at the Olin service desk. No phone or e-mail renewals will be accepted.
  • All equipment should be returned to the library they were checked out from.
  • All laptops, chargers and special equipment items are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Check in with the Olin service desk for current availability.

You are responsible for any laptops or equipment that is lost, damaged or stolen. Replacement fees range from $25 to $2,500.

Mann Library also has equipment available for loan. For information on what equipment is available at Mann, please refer to their Laptops & Equipment page.